The 488th
Port Battalion
Transportation Corps, 
APO 765, 5th U.S. Army


Regis Dinkel



Click Here to View the Addition of the 488th
to the Wall With the Other MUC Recipients!
Taken by:
Rose Ann Brown
(Granddaughter of Dorsey Brown)
"History of the 488th"
- "Anzio Annie!"
- "History of the Transportation Corps"
- Award of Meritorious Service Unit Plaque
- Ernie Pyle's "Let's Get Outta Here!"
- An Heroic Story
- "Stevedores of Port Battalion Carry on Prewar Jobs"
- and History of the 188th, 189th, 190th, 191st, & HQ Companies

Battalion Commanders

White, Wesley*

Kingdon, Cassell*

Clemente, William*

Bartlett, Roy*

Headquarters Company


Divine, ?

Martin, Arthur

Ranaghan, ?

Stolfus, James

Flamm, Joseph (Journal)

Normo, David

Rice, William

Tomczak, Theodore "Tom"

Logan, Elle

Palmer, ?

Scott, John

Vinson, Charles

Company A

Company B

Company C

Company D





188th History

189th History

190th History

191st History

Adams, ? Antemann, Rudolph M. Albright, Elwood Ameen, Edward
Agosta, Joseph (website) Bafundo, Jose A. Andreacchio, Dom Angelides, Angelo
Amman, Edward B. * Barnett, Robert E. Jr.* Andy, ? Antonson, Henry J. 
Anderson, Oliver Bartlett, Roy* Armburst, ? Askovitch, Frank
Appleby, Frank Bass, Herman* Bernier, Leo Bangert, Garnier
Avila, ? Beneke, ? Bogdanowicz, Joseph Banker, Horace
Baker, Ross W. Brennan, "WeeWee" Boris, ? Bartlett, Roy
Baran, Steve Budinski, Vincent Buckley, Wesley Bass, Almon
Bardusch, Harold Busch, Clarence Buckley, William Beers, Elmer
Bean, Kenneth Cherubino, Jerry Carlin, ? Bochicchio, Dan
Bennett, Irving Clarkson, R. Hunter Cassidy, William Boucher, Armand A.
Bertelle, John Collins, Albert Ciermierek, Tony Campbell, Donald
Betke, Al Conners, Pat Cunningham, James Cedar, ?
Blakely, Charles Coons, Clavoe Daly. William Chavis, Jerome
Booth, Lewis Copus, John Darcy, Martin Cisko, William
Brown, Dorsey (Email) Detorre, Joe Dmitrovich, Mitchel Cottrell, ?
Brown, Harold Detorre, Robert Dobrosielski, Edward Cox, William
Brown, Howard Dmitrovich, Mitch Dubbs, ? Czik, Charles
Brown, Robert Domsic, Bill Dunne, David Dietz, Roland C.
Bunting, Barney Doster, Ralph Faughn, Charles R. Dinkel, Regis (Email)
Burns, Thomas Eames, Arthur Goettler, Harry Edmondson, Hansel
Busch, Charles P. Ehlers, ? Golemblewski, John Everett, Frank L. *
Butterfield, Sid Evans, Edward Grosso, Nicholas Faiola, Guido Jr.
Cameron, Guy Ference, Charles* Hartwell, Wilbur Familathe, Rocki
Caola, Andrew F. Garamella, Gary Hayden, John Fanaghan, Joseph
Card, Harold Gerlikoswski, Anthony Hebranko, Michael Felton, Leon
Cardarelli, John Gibilaro, Joseph (website) Hill, Cecil Fooshee, Arthur J.
Carey, Elmer (Journal) Goldberg, ? Huston, Robert Orman Forgiel, ?
Carlson, Marco Golembiewski, John  Hyland, Vincent Frost, Jack T.*
Carnes, Emmitt Goodson, Wilmer Jakovina, John Galvan, John
Casqueiro, August Gregory, Joseph* Jones, Kenneth Gill, Eugene
Castetter, Fred Gretzinger, Kenneth Jurasin, Phillip Gmyrek, Stan
Cavanna, Peter R. Gunderson, "Gunny" Kecy, ? Gray, John T.*
Chenoweth, Clarence Hanrahan, James I. Leidy, Carl* Green, Lyal
Ciemierek, Tony Hathaway, James Levenick, Anthony Grosso, Nicholas
Clapp, Gene Herrington, Emmet Marsh, Hayden* Hilbert, Ralph
Clouso, Carroll Hildebrandt, Philip Maynarn, William Hobeck, Raymond
Cockran, Charles Hill, Cecil Mazuk, Joseph Hopkins, George
Comfort, Jessie Kahill, Vinny McQuillan, Joseph Hughes, Leonard
Conchilla, James Kapner, Irving Miglin, Stanley Iacamacci, Erman
Conley, Willaim Kleinberg, Charles* Mullally, ? Iddings, Don
Conrad, Ralph Kohn, Victor Murnane, Harry Imrich, Stephen
Constantine, Amadeo Lamm, William Murphy, Michael Katzbeck, Reinhold
Correll, Robert (webpage) LaVerghetta, Nicholas Oschypko, Terrance Keicher, William J
Cox, Cletus Lawrence, ? Paulison, Harold Kelley, Forest
Cunningham, James Lawrenz, Robert Phillips, Norman (Story) Korant, Morris"Moe"
Czupryna, Edward N. Lee, Thomas Plants, James Kozik, Milton
Damato, G.C. Liuzzi, Michael Price, Robert Krampfert, ?
Danoski, Peter Lowe, William Puscas, ? Krumbine, Robert
DeLeo, Carlos* Mangano, Jack Quick, ? Lanham, Jack
Dettman, Albert Marinacci, James Ralls, Carl Lefevere, ?
Dinkel, Regis (Email) Mason, Edward Rannigan, ? Lynch, William
Dobrie, John Mason, Fred Reese, William "Razor" Lyons, Thomas*
Doll, John Matovina, Joseph Rehman, George Marino, Fred
Family, Vieira Mattingly, Ellis V. Reinecker, Albert Martucci, Anthony
Faucher, Fidele McCormack, William F.* Rice, James Maynard, Clayton
Fichen, Lewis A. McRobb, John Rice, William* McBride, Walter
Foster, Merle Merganz, Ralph Robinson, Harold McCoy, ?  (a cook)
Fowler, Mike O'Conner, Patrick Rocky, ? McCullough, James
Frontera, Casper Palka, Matthew S.* Russ, ? McFadden, Bruce
Frye, Harvey G. Peycke, William Ryan, Joseph McGee, William
George, Ray Polens, Murray S. Schaffer, Norman* McQueeney, Joe
Gilbert, Charles H. Porter, Kenneth B. Scott, ? Moniz, Anthony
Gillen, Donald Raimondi, Frank Sedan, Pete Naranjo, Bennie
Gillis, Dale Reifsnyner, "Reifer" Short, Eairel Normo, David
Goettler, George Rosenberg, Joseph Smaldone, Joseph O’Brien, William C.
Griggs, Dwight Rust, Mel Smith, Donald Osborne, Ottis
Hammock, Ruban Ryan, Joseph Snell, Ron Overduke, John
Harrison. William Scanlon, ? Sparks, Darrel Perkovitch, John
Hewent, Dominico Schaffer, Norman* St. Onge, William Prusansky, Irving A.
Higa, Yaho (Charles) Tooney, Patrick Stellhorn, Wayne Ray, Joseph
Hildebrandt, Phillip Wallesea, Jack Stewart, William Richards, Robert E.*
Hommel, Frank C. Wright, Morris Stuart, James Rickert, Robert
Huff, Edward Zein, Leo Sunply, James Rubin, Max
Johansson, Alf "Swede" Szewe, John Saschel, Leo
Jones, Alonzo B. Vincent, ? Saylor, Julius
Junneau, Melvin Vorkapich, Nick Scavuzzo, John
Kapner, Irving Walker, Lawrence* Schaffert, ?
Kaporch, Anthony Wallaesa, Jack Scherer, Arthur
Kelleher, John Warren, Kercy Schmitt, William (Cartoonist)
Kelly, Charles Schneider, William
King, John Schoffman, Louis*
Koch, Vincent Schoonfeld, Helmut
Kosloski, Valery Shannon, Phillip
Kostrub, Michael J. Sickmeier, Monroe
Kunkel, Lester R. Sienkiewicz, Victor
Laumburi, Guyde Skalnican, Frank
Lautkousky, Henry Smith, Fred
Lee, Thomas Snider, Norman
Lopez, Jesus Snider, Paul
Lott, Shelby Snyder Charles
Lovelass, Paul Stankovic, Peter
Luby, Patrick Stanzione, Alfred R.
Medernech, Ed Stauffer, Robert
Merriman, Leon Stevens, Dick
Mesiran, John Strader, William F.
Miller, Forrest Stuffelbean, Floyd
Miller, Paul Stulpinas, Daniel
Miller, Ray Stump, Clair
Moore, Belt Testa, ?John?
Moore, John Thomas, William R.
Morris, Ralph Todd, Ralph
Morrisey, Joseph VanGelder, Norman
Mortz, John, Jr. Vlahakis, John
Moseley, Eldrege E. Walp, Robert M..
Mulligan, James Welch, Bondy A
Mulski, Elmer Wheeler, Curtis
Newberry, Harold Whittington, Austin
Nichol, Lloyd T. Williams, Plummer
Nicholson, Angus Williams, Warren
Osmolski, Edward Wohlgensinger, Pop
Owen, Hank Yakubov, Andrew
Peters, Huglon
Phelan, Edward J.
Phillips, Jack
Phillips, Settle A.
Pinneo, Gilbert
Plants, James
Poweska, George
Raymond, Anthony
Richardson, Liston*
Ridge, Thomas
Roberts, John C.
Rose, Coster
Rowland, Echel
Rudolph, Joseph
Ruta, Charles
Ryan, Donald
Salone, Joseph
Sanborn, Raymond
Scarpaci, Gus
Schnieder, Willaim
Sellenthin, John
Shannon, Curtis
Short, Fred
Sickmeyer, Monroe
Simpkins, Charles
Slovac, ?
Slyster, "Sly"
Smuk, Dan J.
Snider, Norman
Sovick, Charles
Szalsly, Frank
Tague, Robert
Trella, Steve
Troy, Cecil
Turner, Vernon
van Hoven, Ben
Vidovich, John
Vieth, Lloyd*
Walker, Lawrence*
Wassal, John
Williams, Audie
Williams, Robert F.*
Zavit, Henry

* Officers

Others that need placed above....

Help me....
  • Place the men below with their Company!  If they were transferred, let me know that too. 

  • List other men in the 488th not listed here. (partials names are ok)  

  • Update addresses and/or phone numbers so I can contact them. (the numbers and addresses will NOT be listed here) Unless otherwise authorized. 

  • List anyone's email address that they would like to have put on this page, let me know. 

  • Any other information about these men that can be used to let America know who these men were and what they did!...Section, Rank, Stories, Nicknames (in some cases their first names, etc.

Please let me know about any misspellings also.


Acke, Robert Depault, Henry Lambert, Critz Roberts, Wenfred
Albano, Antonio E. DeVos, William Lawson, Willaim Russell, Charles
Alexander, Don Euright, George Leslie, Thomas J. Robinson, Leslie
Alfonse, John T. Eynon, William Leyte, ? Rochey, Norman
Athan Harry Faith, Charles Lieban, Ralph Ross, Gilbert
Babcock, Oliver Farcum, Sherwood Longtien, George Rowell, Jeet
Beezman, Earl Flynn, Roger S. Lynch, Sam Sadak, George
Belecki, Walter Frahm, Dayton Marinaccio, John Sannino, Frank R.
Bentrey, M.C. Gagne, Ferdnand Martin, Arthur L.* Seymour, Hubert
Boden, Joe Garguilio, Ralph Masse, Lucien Shuttleworth, John
Bouman, Herbert R. Geddis, James Mathews, Aubrey Spaud, Carl F.*
Branch, Joseph Gibson, David McCaffery, John Stacey, Robert
Brown, Charles Goodwin, Roy McClures, ? Stecki, Walter
Bullard, W.E. Gracin, Vince Merganz, Ralph Storman, Lester
Bunting, Barney Graham, Dorland Molino, Carmen Story, Roy
Burger, Silar Guerriero, Sal Monahan, Joseph Swanberg, Charles
Buss, Clifford T. Harris, Roland Nealon, Pat Szopinski, Frank
Casey, Ralph Hasson, Tom O’Shipho, Terry Thomas, Leslie
Cleary, ? Helm, Thomas E. Olsen, Evan Turner, ?
Clifford, James J. Henderson, Norman Osborne, Otis W. Turpack, Paul
Cline, Joe Henderson, Otis Owen, Wayne Venable, James
Cobblen, Thomas Janus, Al Palka, Matthew* Verlicich, Nick
Collombe, Luicien Jessie, Harold F. Peters, Norbert S. Vieira, John
Costello, Harold Johnson, Dexter L. Phegley, Max R. Villa, Frank
Couch, M.A. Kamoto, Itsuto Puhl, Tony Welch, Charles
DeBoo, Edwin (Email) Key, W.F. Rall, John E. Wensel, Peter J.
Del Vecchio, James Killy, Barett C. Ramondis, Frank Williams, Robert*
Delaney, Thomas H. Krocher, Arthur Ray, Joseph B. Wilson, Arthur
DeLattre, Daniel      

